150 MW WAPP Regional Solar Power Park in the Gambia

The project envisages the development of a scalable, multi-site, multi-phase regional solar power park in The Gambia of about 150 MW. The strategy adopted for implementing the project shall be the “Plug-and-Play” scheme where the enabling infrastructure to evacuate the power from the Park shall be implemented with concessional or public financing whilst the development of the Parks shall be done by the private sector through auctions. The project also envisages reinforcements in The Gambia that shall, among others, increase the capacity of the national grid to absorb renewable energy.
To decrease power supply deficit in the sub-region and increase the component of renewable energy in the regional energy mix.
Project Status
The project is being developed within the framework of the World Bank's Solar Development in Sub-Saharan Africa - Phase 1 (Sahel) Program. The preparation of the project is almost completed and as part of this preparation, three consultants are required to respectively prepare (i) the technical, economic and financial feasibility studies, (ii) the environmental and social impact assessment as well as geotechnical studies and (iii) organize the auction. The pre-investment studies are in progress and expected to be completed in Quarter 1 of 2022. The Consultant to support the process for the auctions – Transaction Advisor - is being recruited and expected to commence work in Quarter 4 of 2021.
The commissioning of the project is expected in 2024.
Useful Information
Funding Secured (US$) | 1,409,082 |
Funding Gap (US$) | - |
Funding Sources | World Bank |
Last Event
The opening of Technical Proposals for the recruitment of the Transaction Advisor was held on July 12, 2021.