Nigeria – Benin – Togo – Ghana - Côte d'Ivoire Interconnection Project: WAPP Median Backbone

The project is part of the WAPP Transversal Backbone that shall span from Nigeria to Senegal. The project envisages the construction of a double circuit high voltage transmission line of approximate length 1,600 km, with associated substations, that shall emanate from Shiroro in Nigeria to Ferkéssedougou or environ in Côte d’Ivoire passing through Zungeru and Kainji in Nigeria as well as Parakou in Benin, Kara in Togo, Yendi and Tamale in Ghana.
To augment transmission capacity for power exchanges among Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and beyond.
Project Status
The project is in its preparation phase that shall involve a Line Route and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study as well as a Feasibility Study and Preparation of Bidding Documents in order to establish the techno-economic and financial viability of the project as well as its environmental and social impacts. The Consultants that shall prepare the respective studies have already been recruited and the Feasibility Study and Preparation of Bidding Documents was launched in April 2020 whilst the Line Route and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study is expected to be launched in October 2021. The pre-investment studies are expected to be completed in Quarter 3 of 2022.
Useful Information
Funding Secured (US$) | 4 000 000 |
Funding Gap (US$) | 2 832 000 |
Funding Sources | WB |
Last Event
Meeting of the involved Ministries in charge of energy and national power utilities from June 22 to 24, 2021 to validate the input data for the Feasibility Study.