150 MW WAPP Regional Solar Power Park in Togo

The project envisages the development of a scalable, multi-site, multi-phase regional solar power park in Benin of about 150 MW. The strategy adopted for implementing the project shall be the “Plug-and-Play” scheme where the enabling infrastructure to evacuate the power from the Park shall be implemented with concessional or public financing whilst the development of the Parks shall be done by the private sector through auctions.
To reinforce power generation in Togo, decrease power supply deficit in the sub-region and increase the component of renewable energy in the regional energy mix.
Project Status
The project is at the preparation stage and requires pre-investment studies to determine among others the technical feasibility and economic viability of the project as well as the environmental and social impacts. The estimated cost of these pre-investment studies is US$2.3 million and the process is ongoing to mobilise this funding.
Useful Information
Funding Secured (US$) | - |
Funding Gap (US$) | 2 300 000 |
Funding Sources |